
Seed is everything

Key insights on digital wallets security

The use of decentralized technologies shifts the burden of care for security to the wallet user, which must not be forgotten when reaching for these solutions.


MiCA: ‘The fine details will matter’

An initial focus on impactful details of EU crypto law

The recently enacted EU crypto rules is credited with being the world’s first major jurisdiction with a comprehensive regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies.


Are your funds still secure? Ledger case

That moment when “Recover” turns into “resign”

Is there a potential backdoor in Ledger’s hardware? With the recent introduction of the Recover service on their crypto wallets, concerns have been raised regarding whether Ledger allows such access.


Boys with their toys

What goes on in the lab when working on Bitfold

These are the times when almost none of the electronic devices available to consumers can be dismantled and repaired, as it was 20 years ago. Over time, we got used to treating them like boxes where magic happens. It doesn’t matter what magic it is, as long as it works. Meanwhile, these are usually sophisticated products of engineering thought, over which many months or even years were spent in laboratories.


Ethereum: The Merge. Moving consensus to PoS

Ethereum: The Merge. Moving consensus to PoS

Ethereum is the first and most used smart-contract enabled blockchain. Since its creator was a Bitcoin developer, its consensus mechanism relies on a proof-of-work (PoW) model.


Is crypto dead… again?

Is crypto dead… again?

Recent crash in cryptocurrency prices has wiped away more than $300 billion in value. Luna – one of crypto’s fastest growing blockchains – collapsed, what shook the entire market and led many to cast doubt on crypto assets.